Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crazy Life

Do you ever feel like life gets a little TOO crazy? Lately I feel like Justin and I are running around like two chickens with their heads cut off. Our 'TO DO' list is piling up and nothing seems to be getting done. There is the garden to weed and water. The nursery to paint and decorate. The million little things we need to buy and do to get ready for our new family member. Then there are all of the daily chores; the laundry, dishes, yard work, and cleaning. Not to mention we both have very busy and demanding jobs right now. Justin is working six nights a week and I am up to my neck in the summer reading program. And also, it's summer. So along with all of these things to do we also have all of the summer activities going on. And lucky us, we are now scout leaders over the Bears and Wolves in our ward. How do people find enough hours in the day to accomplish it all??

Sometimes I would just like to set all of life's stresses aside for a minute and take a deep breath. I don't think I have taken a deep breath in quite some time. I am too busy running around. In all honesty this list of mine is piling up so high that sometimes I feel quite inadequate. I keep reminding myself that I am 35 1/2 weeks pregnant and its okay that I am not accomplishing as much as I want to. But that little nagging voice in the back of my head keeps saying, "Do more. Do more. Do more." My mind is ready to go but my tired, fat, swollen, pregnant body is screaming, "Slow it down will ya?!" Today I carried a heavy laundry basket. My husband asked me why I didn't just ask him to do it. My response, "I don't know. Because I am too stubborn." I think being too stubborn could be the death of me some day. I am not good at asking for help. Why is that? Here is my dear husband ready and willing and yet I trudge along doing things I know aren't good for me or for this baby. Stubborn. Stubborn. Stubborn me.

You wanna know the worst thing of all?!! It's the middle of July and I haven't been to my beloved Bear Lake once this summer! {Did some of you gasp at that last sentence? It's pretty shocking right?} I think that's what I am really in need of. A day with no stress. A day filled with sun, sand, and swimming. A day to unwind and recuperate.  Doesn't that sound just lovely?

What is the point of this blog? Well golly gee I have no idea. All I know is that I was lying in bed completely exhausted from a busy day. And it was only 9:00 which means that it was still light out, which led me to ponder how pathetic I was.  Well then I got out of bed to pee....again.... and all of a sudden I find myself down on my computer writing this blog. Because sometimes, you just need to write. Sometimes you just need to tell the world how tired and stressed, and how sick of being tired and stressed, you are. I also keep thinking about how these are the last few weeks that Justin and I will be just Justin and I. Never again will we be a family of two. So instead of running around like chickens with their heads cut off, I hope we can start to cherish these last few weeks that we have together as just us, because our lives are about to change forever. And I also think that no matter how much we try and prepare for this, we will never be really, fully prepared. So here is goodbye to a family of two and anxiously awaiting our family of three.

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