Sunday, April 22, 2012


When I got home from work on Friday my husband started packing a cooler and told me that we were going on a picnic to Bear Lake. I of course got very excited. The drive up Logan Canyon was beautiful. I love it this time of year. Everything is turning green but there are still some deep patches of white white snow creating some gorgeous views. For dinner we had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, cheese-its, carrots and ranch, and of course- Mt. Dew! Which is obviously the PERFECT Bear Lake food (If you can't have LaBeaus that is). We ate our food, played in the sand, laid on a blanket, and enjoyed the views. It was perfect. The only thing that was missing (besides being able to swim) were the seagulls. I love seagulls. I have no idea why. I just always have. After all, what is Bear Lake without a bunch of seagulls harassing you and trying to steal your food?! SO. I decided to call some over. I started making seagull squawking noises, which needed some work, so I tried many many variations of my invented bird call. Halfway in the middle of it I looked over to see my exasperated husbands face and just burst out laughing. What did this scene remind me of? Dori speaking whale of course! Marlin was just as exasperated with her as Justin was with me. haha he is such a good sport with my insane-ness! After a while I figured that my amateur bird calling was getting me no where. Go figure. So I just randomly started throwing cheese-its in the air hoping I would attract someone's attention. Miracles of all miracles. It actually worked! I am so awesome. Like seriously, I was SOOOO proud of myself! By the time we left we had over twenty seagulls circling around our little area eating up all of my thrown cheese-its. Seagulls are hilarious. I love watching them. I was in pure heaven. As we packed up to go I spread cheese-its all over our site because I knew it had probably been a while since these seagulls had had any junk food. After a long winter I wanted to fatten them up a bit haha. The drive home was just as lovely with the sun setting behind the mountains. A few miles into the canyon I told Justin to watch out for deer because this was the time of night that they were out. I had no idea if that was true or not, I just remember my mom had always told us that, so I was just passing the information along. We started talking about how deer's eyes glow in the dark and that was your warning. About two twisty turns later I saw a glowing eye to the left and just started shouting, "Deer! Deer! Deer!" but as it came closer to our car I quickly switched to, "Moose! Moose! Moose!". Justin slammed on the breaks and we waited as this ginormous moose crossed the road not ten feet in front of us. He didn't seem too concerned with our presence and his pace was very leisurely. After we got over the shock of almost dying it was actually pretty cool to see him. I have never seen a moose in that canyon before and this one was HUGE! We of course talked of little else after that and realized that my warning may have been inspired. If Justin hadn't slowed down after my telling him that this was the perfect time for deer, neither us or the moose may have been so lucky. So all in all it was a very fun date night with a little adventure in the mix. I love that my awesome hubby still loves to surprise me with little date nights. We have a lot of fun together!

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