Friday, November 19, 2010

Deathly Hallows

This movie was AMAZING! I loved loved loved it! This movie followed the book closer to any other movies so far. I was so happy with how they did it. There were some parts left out, but that is bound to happen and I didn't miss them as much as previous parts left out in previous movies. I think they did an awesome job and I can't wait to see it again! I am so happy that they cut this movie into two parts because too much happens in this book. To fit it into one movie would have had to cut out so many good things. Oh man, I want to see it again like right NOW!

On a side note: While we were standing in line last night we hear this car honking. So the whole line turns around and pressed up against the glass in the passenger seat is this huge (and we are talking HUGE) bare naked butt mooning us away. It was kind of disgusting. I feel like the image is burned into my eyes and I just might have to rip them out and get new ones! Gross.

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