Monday, February 1, 2016

My Fight Song

Being the fat girl at the gym is NOT easy. Comparison is the devil. Watching 90 year old's lap you in the pool sucks. I find myself constantly reminding myself:

  • I have fibromyalgia and THEY have healthy bodies
  • I have two bad knees (broke one when I was a teenager, hurt the other in my car crash)
  • My anti-depressant made me gain 80+ pounds in less then a year
And then I thought.... are these reasons or excuses???

I needed a new FIGHT SONG!

So instead of my mantra being a list of my excuses, I wanted a phrase that would actually make me feel better about myself. Not the usual gym mantras like, "Just Do It", "Don't Quit" "Keep Going" "You've got this!" I needed something else. So this is the mantra that I came up with for me.....

drum roll please.....

"I'm lapping everyone on the couch!"

I may be going slower then every single person in the gym... but.... I am at the gym! I am trying! I am going! I am working! And it's time I give myself a little bit of credit for that right? I am trying really, really hard to not compare myself to miss skinny size two who is running full speed ahead at full incline on that treadmill in front of me. Instead, I am thinking, "Hey. There are people at home eating candy bars and watching Netflix and by golly, I am lapping THEM!" And that may sound really really really really lame to you, but for some reason, it brings a smile to my face every. single. time. So when I am counting down the minutes until my workout is over, I have those words pulsing through my head, and for a moment or two, I can push myself just a bit farther. 

My last workout I walked a mile and a half, biked three miles, and swam ten laps. That may seem super easy to you fitness goddesses out there, but the fact is,  I could NOT do that a month ago, and that  feels amazing! 

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