Saturday, July 21, 2012

Job Funny

So I have a question for all of you. Do you know what an iPhone is? Isn't that kind of common knowledge? Do I look like an idiot? Apparently! (Said in a Brian Regan voice). So today I had a guest come up to the front desk asking for the WiFi password. I gave it to him, but after that he didn't leave. He stayed at the front desk for approximately twenty minutes telling me what an iPhone was, how it works, and the different things it can do. I got long winded explanations of the different plans that Verizon and AT&T provide, had to watch video clips of a movie and music video to see how great the picture and sound was, and got a full overview of the Apple company. He was seriously acting like I had lived under a rock and had no idea what a smart phone is. haha I was trying SOOOOO hard not to bust up laughing! I just kept smiling and nodding like everything he said to me was a brand new revelation. Fortunately for me a housekeeper saved me by 'needing' my help with something. (Bless her!) Honestly, if she hadn't come to the front desk, I am fairly certain that I would be getting the "iPhone lecture 101" still. Well sir, I am just tickled pink that you love your new phone so much. I hope you two are very happy together! hee hee hee

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