Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cranberry Cousins

Has anyone been to the awesome book sale in the building that Honks used to occupy? It's pretty awesome. You should check it out, but hurry, I think it ends the first week of April.
Anyway, I bought ten books for eleven dollars and this book was one of them. It is probably in the top five of cheesiest books I have ever read. I'm guessing the age group it is meant for is around the age of ten. However, even though it was extremely corny, I couldn't help but smile when I read it. Have you ever had roommate drama? Or lived with people that you could just absolutely not tolerate? This book reminded me of all those less than lovely roommates that color my past. I have had some interesting roommates folks. Anyway, if you are in the mood for some cheese, and memories of your quirky weird roommates, then this is the book for you!

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