Thursday, March 15, 2012


This last weekend Justin and I came down to Fruit Heights to celebrate my sisters birthday and go to the bowling tournament. While we were here my mom was very very sick, I mean like deathly sick. She could barely lift her head from the pillow and she just felt awful. Justin and I decided that it would be best if I stayed here for the week to help carpool my brother and sister around, with meals, cleaning, laundry, basically take over as momma for a while until she got feeling better. It's been a long week. And not so much because of all the crazy running around that I have been doing, but because as weird as this may sound, I miss my hubby! This is the longest I have been away from him since we got married, and even though it is only four days, it seems like its been forever! I know that may sound weird, but seriously, I had no idea how hard it was going to be to be away from him! He is driving up here tonight for my cousins wedding tomorrow and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to see him! I'm just gonna throw my arms around him and give him a big wet sloppy kiss haha! And the sweet part is, is that he is totally missing me too! Cute. I think that means we are in love. Sigh. Love is great.

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The Divine Calling of Motherhood

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