Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day Weekend

This was a really good weekend. Three cheers for three day weekends people!

On Friday my two sisters drove up to Logan for a visit. We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and checked out a dessert place I have always wanted to try, I think it's called 'Sweetly Divine' or something like that. After dinner and dessert we went to the USU hockey game, which ended up being one of the most intense games I have ever been to! We played U of U and went in to over time. It was insane! But of course, Aggies won!

That night my sisters and I went to a midnight movie. The movie was called, "Just Go With It" with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard it was ridiculous!

Saturday morning we slept in, I made my sisters breakfast, and then they packed up and went home. I got ready and packed myself, and then I drove home to Fruit Heights for a date I had later that night in Salt Lake City.

So Saturday night I went on one of the funnest dates ever! I guess looking back the actual activities done that night were nothing special, but the person I went with was a lot of fun to be around. I guess it also felt absolutely wonderful to FINALLY not be thinking about the dumb boy I've wasted the last four years of my life on. I don't know, I'm just happy.

Sunday morning my wonderful father made me a delicious breakfast and I went to church in my home ward. When I was actually living at home going to this ward, I was not always such a big fan of the people, but going back is always a real treat because I feel like the people there are genuinely happy to see me and ask me about my life. They are all really excited about my mission as well, so I was bombarded with questions about that. Sunday night I drove back to Logan, talked with my roommates, and watched the old version of "Yours, Mine, and Ours" with Lucille Ball. What a great movie!

So today (Monday) was another great day. I was able to go out to lunch with the guy I had the date with on Saturday. I took a nap, read, did homework, and laundry. Tonight my friend Amanda came over to watch The Bachelor with me and my roommates, and then later I played games with my roommates Rachel and Emily. It was just such a great weekend and an absolutely needed break from life!

So Mission Update:
After a few days of attempting to call the guy who schedules the stake president's interviews, I was able to finally get in touch with him today. Turns out his phone had died. Seeing as I am not able to meet with my stake president this Sunday (I'm going out of town for my Dad's 50'th birthday... shhhh... it's a secret) I have my stake president interview on March 6. After that my papers will be sent to Salt Lake and I could get my call within 2 to 4 weeks, meaning I should have my call by the first of April at the very latest. I was hoping that this process would go a lot more quickly, but at least I have a better clue of the timeline I'm on.

1 comment:

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

You are never online when I'm on! This is bad... I'm dying to hear all about everything!

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...