Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Stole Blog Ideas Again

Maybe you guys have seen this circulating on other blogs, but this is known as the Blog Challenge. I am going to try really hard to do this, and I think you should too. (It would give me something else to read haha) (By the way, I changed some of them because some of the other ones didn't really apply or I just didn't want to do them. You can change it to fit you as well.)
Day 1-15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2-The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 3-A picture of you and your friends
Day 4-A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 5-A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 6-Favorite super hero and why
Day 7-A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 8-Short term goals for this month and when you'll accomplish them
Day 9-Something you're proud of in the past few days
Day 10-Songs you listen to when you're bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped
Day 11-A picture of you and your family
Day 12- Put your ipod or shuffle on-first 10 songs that play
Day 13- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 14- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 15-Nicknames you have and why you have them
Day 16-Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
Day 17- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 18- Something you crave for a lot
Day 19-What I would find in your bag
Day 20- Your favorite song
Day 21- A funny childhood memory
Day 22- The places you have lived
Day 23- Your favorite author/writer/poet
Day 24- A dream you had in the last month
Day 25- Your dream vacation spot
Day 26- Something/ Someone that has inspired you to do better or make a change recently
Day 27- How do you spend your leisure time
Day 28- A picture of your pet if you have one, if not a pet you would like to own
Day 29- Something you would like to do before you die
Day 30- A Favorite Quote

Day ONE: 15 Interesting Facts About Yourself
1. I dream almost every night and almost always remember them. My dreams are usually insane!
2. I was 5 feet 11 inches tall by the sixth grade, when I finally stopped growing. I was the tallest in my grade every year of elementary school.
3. I broke my knee when I was 15 years old jumping hurdles in gym class. I had surgery and still have metal screws in my knee.
4. I have been bucked off of a horse four times.
5. When I was 10 years old I cut 21 inches off of my hair. Three months later, I cut seven more inches off, making a grand total of 28 inches of hair!
6. The day of my high school graduation I did not know if I had qualified to walk with my class until three hours before the ceremony started. Graduating high school was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
7. I cried like a baby when I got my acceptance letter to Utah State University. It was the only school I applied to.
8. I had high hopes of some day being a photographer. Those dreams were squashed after working in a portrait studio for over a year, making me realize that I did NOT want to do this for the rest of my life. My major quickly changed from art to English.
9. I have had 32 roommates in five apartments in the four and a half years that I have been living in Logan.
10. I have worked 10 different jobs since moving to Logan in 2006.
11. I have a HUGE pet peeve of people killing the English language. If you come to The U.S., SPEAK ENGLISH! If you are in the middle of a conversation DON'T TEXT TALK!
12. I have to ground myself from reading leisurely books during the school year. If I pick up a book I can't put it down. This leads to staying up way too late on a school night and neglecting my homework.
13. Like almost everything in this world, I have a dark side. I hate confrontation, so my revenge is usually sneaky. You don't want to get on my bad side. Trust me.
14. I cry for every emotion that I feel. Whether I am sad, mad, hurt, worried, frustrated, lonely, spiritual, excited, and yes, even happy, I cry. I am pretty much a human faucet.
15. I love the sun. The Beach. The Water. Summer. Tanning. The smell of tanning oil. Riding Wave-runners. Floating on a lake in a tube. Squishing my toes in the sand. I am a beach bum. I crave these things all winter, and feel like I never get enough of them in summer. I guess you could say I am kind of an addict. But hey, I'm alright with that.

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