Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life Comes At You Fast

This has been kind of an insane couple of weeks. So many ups and downs.

I absolutely love summer. But one thing I am not so fond of is how much money I dish out this time of year. Is it just me or does August seem like 'the biggest drain on your wallet' month?! You have to pay for tuition, rent, security deposits, books, utilities - The list goes on and on!

I am still working at my bug job, but the work has been slower than I anticipated this summer. I went almost an entire month with no work, something I was definitely not planning on. I have been trying to take out a student loan - geez. What a fiasco that turned out to be! So anyway. When it finally came down to it I just could not afford my apartment's rent. I came to this conclusion yesterday when like the 10'th bank turned me down for my student loan. (Stupid banks! Stupid money! Stupid co-signer rule!) Ah-hem. Anywho....

Moving should not be a big deal right? Wrong! I am seriously so distraught about this move. I have moved a lot up here in Logan. But I couldn't wait for those moves. I was always way past done with those apartments. But it just is not the case with Highlander D. I think the hardest part is leaving my roommate Emily. She is my best friend. We both cried when I told her. (Again- Stupid Banks!!) I am also really going to miss my ward. Dang I have an amazing ward and bishopric. Not to mention Highlander's convenience of being a hop skip and jump away from campus. Another thing I will miss is having my own room and bathroom.

I keep telling myself that change is good. And maybe this one will be too. Life has gone kind of downhill lately so maybe some new scenery is exactly what I need. My new apartment is called Cambridge Courts. The apartment has 2 bedrooms (4 girls) and 1.5 bathrooms. Utilities are paid for (thank goodness). But the best part is that it has an INDOOR pool and hot tub. So yeah. This change is kind of a bitter-sweet one.

I have to be out of my apartment by this Saturday but can't move in until the 27'th. Homelessness is always fun. It's just so crazy how fast life can change. I didn't even have a weeks notice of this one.

Other than moving I have just been working and playing. My Bear Lake trips are still going strong - I am at 9 out of my 15 goal so I think I can make it. We went to the Preston Rodeo last weekend which was a total riot! Movie Parties start back up again this week which I am excited for. The rest of this month will include: -One massive bear lake day (everyone's invited!) -A Friend Camping Trip -A weekend in St. George with my fam to see Tarzan at the Toucan Theater -A New Apartment -School Starts

August may have started out a little rough but I think it will end with a bang!

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