Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school up here at USU and besides the rain, it was a pretty good one!

This semester I am taking British Lit, Anthropology of Religion, Intro to Shakespeare, and Math. I know someone in every class except for my math class which is pretty cool. I like all of my teachers so far, except for my math class. I think the homework load with be pretty manageable, except for my math class. And I am super excited for all of my subjects, except for, you guessed it, my math class!

I think my favorite teacher by far is my Intro to Shakespeare professor. She is such a hoot. I think she must work nights as a comedian. She spent the first ten minutes of class today discussing how attractive she thinks William Shakespeare is.

My British Lit professor seems pretty awesome too. She offered to convince anyone who comes to talk to her to become an English Major and why it is the best possible major during these difficult times. She even offered to call anyone's parents up and convince them we made the right major choice as well. I think I might need to take her up on that offer haha.

So besides my math class, I am super excited for the subjects I will be learning this year.

The only bad part of today, besides my math class :), is the rain. Holy buckets! I also got caught in the wicked hail storm as I was walking across campus. I might as well have jumped into a swimming pool for how wet I was. So for my last two classes I was dripping wet and shivering out of control. I came home directly after school and put on my flannel pants, a hoodie, and some dry socks. As I was making myself a nice warm meal I couldn't believe that I was this cold in August!! It was almost like the Earth was mourning the end of summer, by proving to us that it really is the end of summer. Sad bunny!

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