Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lots of Thoughts

I have been attempting to clean my room for the past five hours. It's not going so well. I keep getting distracted and pretty much have no motivation whatsoever! So I guess I am using this blog as just one more distraction. My poor room. I see forever messiness in it's future.

I have a lot of thoughts tonight. So this post will most likely be totally random and perhaps not make much sense at all. First, I would just like to say that conference this weekend was amazing! Not gonna lie, I am a hardcore conference lover. I was not a huge fan when I was a little kid. I never really got much out of it. But it's definitely my two favorite times of the year now. Listening to the apostles is quite the incredible experience that just does not compare to much else. This conference I especially felt the power that resides within President Thomas S. Monson. What an amazing man he is. I was talking to my roommate Emily tonight about it, and I realized something. President Monson teaches through stories, just like Christ taught through parables. I don't know, I guess I just thought that was a cool comparison.

This week I have been helping plan my grandparent's 50'th wedding anniversary. In the words of '27 Dresses' "50. Wow!" My Mom and I went from store to store to store looking for 50'th wedding anniversary decorations and gift ideas. It was amazing to me how little was out there. And in almost every store the salesperson would say something like this, "Well we don't carry a lot of 50'th anniversary stuff because it's not a big seller". How sad is that? Less and less people make it to the big 5-0. I lost count of how many stores we went to, like a gazillion maybe, and this would happen over and over and over again. What has marriage come to? Does it mean nothing anymore?? Sad sad sad. That's all I can say. It's just sad. But also oh happy day for BOTH sets of my grandparents who BOTH celebrated 50'th wedding anniversaries together. I pray that that's me someday.

Which leads me into my next thought. I was talking with one of my best friends on Facebook chat tonight and she was telling me that she thinks that one of her old friends has become a lesbian. She said something like this, "Well, she is 22. And never had a boyfriend. She never even had a boy that was interested in her." And I was like, shoot dang. That is me! No, not the lesbian part. But the pathetic part. I am 22. Never had a boyfriend. Never had a guy interested. Don't you love moments when your own obscurity is thrown in your face? Do people really see me as this pitiful creature? Hmmm... sad reality tonight I guess. Now don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad for myself. In actuality my life has been freaking fantastic lately. I love life! Really, I do. But that doesn't mean that I don't sometimes feel the void of other parts to life that I seem to be missing out on.

On a more positive note I only have three weeks of school left, which equals to only seven more classes. That is exciting indeed! Weird to think that summer is in a month and there is still snow on the ground. What's up with this freak snow storm in April anyhow? I must say, I do not approve of Mother Nature's strange antics!

So for the real quick updates of my life - school is going really good. I am actually doing really well in my classes. Yay! I worked my ham job again for a week last week and though it went ok, I am glad it only lasted a week! I was exhausted working two jobs and going to school! I don't know how people can do that all of the time. This week I am frustrated with my bug job because we finished all of the work that was set out for us to do. My boss has not been seen all week, so we have nothing to do. a.k.a. no one is getting any hours which means NO MONEY. BAH! Frustration hardcore! I hope we get more work soon. As for my social life, that is good as well! Really I am having a total riot! Like last week my roommate Emily and I drove down to SLC and went to the cheesecake factory for her birthday. It was so much fun! It seems like my social life has been picking up a lot lately! I have amazing friends. I am so blessed.

Speaking of being blessed, I am blessed with the most amazing visiting teacher ever. Last week she showed up on my doorstep with a bouquet of flowers for me. When I asked her why she was giving me flowers she replied, "Because it snowed and I am really pissed about it. So I decided I needed a reminder of spring and thought you might need one too." ha ha she is too funny. I just love her to death.

So I bought one of those things that spray the air scents every 36 minutes automatically. It's in my room right now. And though I love how my room is smelling constantly delicious, every time it goes off it scares me and I jump. I hope I get used to this soon. Pretty sure I will have to turn it off in the night so it doesn't scare me awake and I fall out of bed.

Well, I think that's it for now. I am sure I have forgotten something, but seriously, I am like the most distracted person in the world right now. I don't know why I can't focus on anything. I think the snow has caused my brain to ooze out my ears. I hear that can sometimes happen. Snow is the spit of satan in my opinion.

1 comment:

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

Haha, Kristi... you make me laugh. That's funny how your visiting teacher brought you flowers- that's actually a really creative idea. I like her, too! I'm way sorry I made you feel bad by saying Heidi was a lesbo. All I really meant to say is that, it was so obvious that I don't have a clue why I couldn't see it before. Always wore t shirts and jeans... no make up. You are definitely better off than she. But I'm glad you brought up the part about always feeling a void in life. I feel that way all the time. You are in school, and are going to finish strong. You are always doing things, always working and spending time with friends. I on the other hand, got married because I failed school- and now I just stay at home and watch tv and clean the bathroom. I feel that void, too. The grass is always greener on the other side.

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...