Sunday, April 25, 2010

Long Week, Fabulous Weekend

This week was seriously the longest week of my life and I have absolutely no idea why. It wasn't a bad week or anything, just LONG! I felt like Monday should have been Wednesday. Tuesday should have been Friday. Which means by Wednesday I was DONE! I guess that's just how the last few weeks of school are. The clock slows down, and every minute seems to last an hour. It was a pretty busy week for me too. Lots of homework before "dead week".

Thank heavens for weekends. Friday was nothing special. I worked and prepared my lesson for Sunday and that's about it. Saturday was a lot of fun though. My friend Jason and I went to the movie 'How to Train Your Dragon'. At first I was a little embarrassed to admit that I was going to see this movie. I blame it on the lame title I guess. But I actually quite enjoyed it. It was super funny and really cute, and one that I would definitely consider buying to add to my collection. It was 3D of course (because everything is these days).

After the movie Jason suggested that we check out this new restaurant that his dad had been to and said was pretty good. It's called Pounders and is in North Logan. It is Hawaiian food. So as you walk in there is a pile of papers that you put your order down on. Jason and I had no idea what we were doing so just kind of made it up as we went along. Jason then takes my paper from me and hands it to the cashier, whips out his wallet, and pays for me before I even have time to protest. I did anyways however, but not for long, because I have come to find that there is just no winning in an argument with Jason. (Don't tell him I said that though) ;) So we go sit down to wait for our food. The atmosphere is pure bliss with a giant painted palm tree on the wall, pictures of the Hawaiian islands everywhere, and Hawaiian music playing in the background. Now that's my kinda place! So Jason and I get kind of carried away in chatting it up... half hour later... we realize we still don't have our food. He goes to check on it and comes back to tell me they had forgotten about us. Ha how funny! When our food finally comes it is DEEE-LICIOUS! It was a lot of food for NOT a lot of money! Yay! I am totally loving this new find of ours! And to add just one more cherry on top, they gave us each a free meal for next time because they felt so bad for making us wait. Which means I just got two free meals! Yeah. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me! (Well, actually three if you count leftovers... which I do) =D

After that we came back and played games at my apartment with my roommate Emily. Also fun.

So today (Sunday) I had to teach the lesson. And oh boy was I nervous! Not so much for the teaching part, but for the filling the time part. It's harder than you would think to take a ten minute conference talk and turn it into a forty minute lesson! Thankfully, the Lord's hand was in it 100%! As I had hoped would happen, the Spirit just kind of took over and everything ran rather smoothly and I filled the time quite nicely. I was so grateful for all the girls that shared personal stories, I couldn't have done it without them! I know this lesson was meant for me, but I do think it went pretty well. I am always relieved when I can walk out of Relief Society, after just given the lesson, and have no regrets.

It was funny how today every meeting in church all tied in together. Crazy how that sometimes happens. It would seem that we ALL needed the same lesson on the same day. Good day in Church. But again, I say that everyday.

Our home teachers asked if they could come today. We said of course. They asked what time, we answered with a "Pretty much anytime today would work." So they said. "Alright. It will either be before four or after six". Ha ha. How funny is that? So pretty much the ONLY times they might not show up are within a two hour time frame. Sorry, but I just found this extremely funny. They are good guys though, gotta love 'em.

Well today has definitely replenished my spirit and I now feel ready to face my last week of school. Woot Woot! I am super-dee-duper excited and a little MORE than ready for summer! Wish me luck, or do one better and pray for me, on my Anthropology final . . . I have a feeling I'm gonna need it!

1 comment:

Kelsey Fairbanks said...


The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...