Monday, January 4, 2010

I'll Entitle This One.... MEN SUCK!!!!

What is it about men that they think they can do whatever they want with us? They can tell us what we want to hear, and then BAM. They leave with no explanation at all. And then you find out that they had a girlfriend the entire time they were telling you that they loved you. Telling you that you had all the qualities he wants in a future wife. Telling you that he wants to date you and be with you.

That's what men are. Liars and Manipulators.

And then men wonder why women are such men-bashers. Gee! I wonder?!

And are we just supposed to magically get over it and move on? Just pretend that we are not hurt and betrayed? That everything is okay? And how in the world do we ever trust a man again? This I DON'T understand.

I mean, freaking A! No wonder there is so much divorce in the world. No wonder our generation our hesitant to jump into marriage these days. No wonder we are getting obese! Do they know how much ice cream it takes to get over them??!!!

And the killer thing is.... THEY ARE NOT EVEN WORTH OUR TEARS!!!
..... So why do they always, always get them??????


Reconda & Hailey said...

I totally agree with you, but is everything going okay?

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

Haha i liked the comment about the ice cream! touche!

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...