Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bugs! Bugs! And Even More BUGS!

I started my new job today. Woo Hoo! It may not be an ideal job, seeing as I am a little more than terrified of bugs. But hey, it pays. And if I want to stay in Logan going to school then that is the kind of job I need. You know, the PAYING kind.

So here is what I do. I dump a cup filled with dirt, mud, slime, leaves, rocks, twigs... oh yeah... and BUGS!.... out into a bowl. I then take small portions of the above mentioned mixture, and slowly sift through it looking for bugs. Me! Looking for BUGS! I then have to sort and count those bugs and put them in their rightful container. Yup. That's pretty much it. I count and sort BUGS!

Alright, so here are the benefits of my job:
1) It is on campus. CLOSE to my apartment! AND I have campus holidays, campus hours. Pretty much it's campus greatness!
2) I get paid TEN dollars an hour! That's right people, I said TEN!
3) I get to choose my own hours. Seriously. Whenever I want!!! I can go in a littler here, a little there... WHENEVER!!!
4) My boss is a grad student. (aka he is not old and creepy like my last boss joe!)
5) I can listen to my ipod the entire time I work if I so desire. Boo-Frickin-YEAH!
8) And last but certainly not least! I get to work with my cousin Kylie! (Who is a total riot and we probably have WAY to much fun playing with mud and bugs together)

You know, I have worked many jobs in my day. I am definitely a college kid job hopper. Here is a list of the places I have worked at since moving to Logan in 2006.
- Hillcrest Dry Cleaners
- Information Alliance Call Center
- Party Host at the Family Fun Center
- Cashier at Smiths Marketplace
- Seasonal Cashier at ShopKo
- Photographer at J C Penney Portrait Studio (best birth control EVER!)
- Seasonal Sample Lady for Honey Baked Ham
- And now a Lab Technician for USU

Whatever you gotta do to pay the bills right??!!!

1 comment:

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

NICE! dude sign me up for that job!

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