Thursday, January 9, 2014

Precious Moments

I am 100% positive that my son was sent to me to help me laugh every day. I heard someone somewhere say that you need one good laugh every single day to live a happy life. Since Leland was born, I am fairly certain that he has made me laugh at least once every day of his life. He is such a funny kid and has seriously brought so much joy into our home.  Even during those sleepless nights and hard first days of being a new mommy, he made me laugh right out loud with some funny little thing that he did. He really is a very entertaining kiddo.

So this morning he woke up around 6 am for his bottle. After I had finished feeding him and changed his diaper I was carrying him to the crib and he does this new thing where he loves to put his cheek right on yours, which is really sweet. I just stood holding him cheek to cheek for a minute, enjoying this precious moment with my baby when we ended up forehead to forehead. I was all like, “Wow, what a wonderful moment I am sharing with my son”, when all of a sudden he starts sucking on my nose. I was so surprised and it felt so weird that I just started laughing. Well when I laugh he laughs and then he tries to make me laugh again, so he started sucking on my nose again. So of course I started laughing again which made him laugh again and we just had one big laughing fest in the wee morning hours.

It may sound really simple, and may not be that funny to you, but it honestly made my whole day. I love that he loves to make me laugh. I am certain that he tries to make me laugh. When really, shouldn’t it be the other way around? It’s just another affirmation that he is heaven sent. He is what I need. He is what our home and family needs. He is my good hardy laugh a day. I find his sense of humor completely hilarious. 

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