Thursday, July 4, 2013

34 Weeks

Yesterday I went to my 34 week baby doctor appointment. Everything is still looking good. Baby Boy is growing, his heart sounds good, and all is well! She told me that our goal is to keep him in for at least 2 more weeks and then after that he will be full grown enough to come any time! (gasp!) That seems so fast, but I honestly wouldn't mind too much if he arrived early. Mostly because I am getting pretty dang miserable. This whole pregnancy whenever I tell anyone who already has had kids my due date they just sigh, shake their heads, and tell me how sorry they are for me that I will be pregnant in the heat of the summer. I didn't necessarily think they were lying or making it seem worse than it really was going to be, but holy heck! They were absolutely 100% right when they said that I was going to be HOT and MISERABLE!! I feel like all I do is just sweat buckets. I probably stink 24/7 so you better steer clear for a while! All I can say is that I am thankful for central air in our home because if I had been pregnant in our first apartment in the summer I may have just pulled a Wicked Witch of the West and melted to death! I am also experiencing some contractions, which is completely normal. Baby Doc says that it's my bodies way of practicing for labor (bodies are amazing things aren't they?) Anyway, last night I had such a strong contraction that I pulled a muscle on my side. I told Baby Doc about this and she said that it was normal as well and it is common for the muscles around your lungs to swell when you are pregnant. If my blood pressure were high it would concern her but right now she isn't too worried. So along with the being hot and miserable, having a broken toe, the common back and neck pains, I also have a very sore right rib cage now that hurts every time I move too quickly. Oh the joys of pregnancy! Oh and did I mention that Sunday morning I woke up so swollen that I literally had to pry my wedding ring off? My fingers, ankles, and toes are about double in size. Baby Doc says this is because of the heat and I have been ordered to drink at least 64 oz. of water a day and elevate my feet for an hour a day. I am such a bad drinker so the water thing is going to be hard for me- but I'll do my best!

Okay, so enough of the complaining. On to the happy things. Baby Doc says that Baby Boy should be moving about ten times every two hours and I am pretty sure he surpasses that. He is moving around in me like crazy and I never ever get sick of that feeling. I love it! There really isn't anything like it. Every time I feel this little guy a big smile comes to my face. This whole pregnancy has been really rough, but it's when I feel him move that I feel bad for my husband. Men will never know that amazing feeling of having their children move inside their bodies, and it makes me kind of sad. I already am in love with this kid so much and there is just no way that Justin can feel as connected to our little boy as much as I do now. Fathers are missing out and women are the lucky ones. Yes pregnancy sucks big time sometimes. But the joys it brings far outweigh any of the pains. I feel so blessed to be having this experience with my son. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

And on an end note, last Saturday two of my best friends threw me an awesome Dr. Seuss baby shower (I am decorating the nursery in Dr. Seuss... pictures coming when it's finished). It was a really good turn out with good food, cute decorations, and fun games. I am so grateful for all of the hard work that they put into it and am super grateful for everyone that came! It meant so much to me and I was overjoyed with the turnout. Baby Boy got spoiled of course and I got some amazing presents. It made me even more excited for him to get here so that I can use everything and dress him up in all these cute clothes! Thanks everyone! You rock!

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