Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Pictures

The doctor said this image captures him right after he was sucking his thumb.  You can see the trail.

He is going to be a boxer. He had his hands up the entire time. 

He has my cheeks. haha. Ah. He is already so cute to me. 

He left absolutely no room for doubt! Definitely 100% boy! 

Big Week for Baby

This has been a very big week for us here. I will start with the weekend. On Friday I was able to go to Bear Lake with my in-laws and have a girl’s night. We stayed in Justin’s great aunt’s condo on ideal beach, the same one that Justin and I got engaged in. We did crafts, scrapbooking, watched chick-flicks and of course, ate tons of junk food. Saturday afternoon all of the boys drove up and joined us for our weekend getaway. That night as everyone was on the brink of sleep, I shout, “Oh my gosh guys! I just felt the baby move for the first time!” I pretty much scared everyone out of their wits, but I just couldn’t hold it in until morning! I was so excited! At first I thought it might be gas, but it didn’t take long to realize that nope, that was my little kiddo in there moving around. I gotta say, that is probably the most amazing, bizarre, wonderful, slightly creepy but totally breathtaking experiences of my life. Feeling your baby move inside of you for the first time… wow… I just don’t know that there are words adequate enough to describe it. It was just so wonderful. I definitely fell asleep with a smile on my face that night. First I got engaged there, then I felt my baby kick for the first time, I am telling you what, magical things happen in that little condo in Bear Lake!!!

So on Wednesday we had my 20 week appointment with the prego doc. This was the appointment that we have been waiting for for ages because we would finally, finally!, know the sex of our baby. The night before I felt like a five year old on Christmas Eve, I was way too anxious to sleep. My mom was able to come to the appointment and it was so special to share that moment with her and to have my amazing stalwart husband by my side as well. The other reason I was anxious for this appointment is because this is when they check every single body part of baby and make sure that everything looks okay. You probably already figured this out, but I am kind of the biggest worry wart when it comes to this kid. So anyway, the ultra sound tech said that he would start at the head and work his way down. I was anxious to find out the sex of the baby but it really is a good thing that he waited until the end because it was hard to pay attention to anything he said after that point. Thank my lucky stars everything looked great with baby. They checked it’s brain, heart, spine, kidneys, stomach, lip (no cleft pallet), and umbilical cord. Baby is growing on schedule (maybe 8 days ahead) and is healthy with no problems! This is where I take a big big sigh of relief. Whew. 

So then the last image that pops up on the screen is two legs spread wide and a little weeny sticking out between them. Yup. That’s right. We are having a BOY!! Woot-woot! There were some majorly loud exclamations of excitement at this pronouncement in that tiny little ultra sound room let me tell you what! The weird thing is is that Justin and I first started out thinking that it was a boy. And then after all of the appointments we had we switched to thinking it was a girl. Then about two weeks ago we both switched back to boy. It was honestly the craziest thing how we would switch our minds together, without even talking about it beforehand. I even had a dream that at the appointment I found out that it was a boy and when I woke up all I felt was disappointment that the dream hadn’t been real. And now I can tell the world how much I really really wanted a boy. This whole pregnancy I kept trying to talk myself into wanting a girl, but honestly, my heart has always been set on having a boy first. I always wanted a big brother growing up, and now all of my kids will have one. Plus I gotta carry on that family name since Justin is the only boy in his family. Not to mention I have to produce a hunter and Bronco’s fan for Grandpa Wright! Haha anyway, I am beyond thrilled about having this boy. I hope he is a momma’s boy!

After the ultra sound we headed back into the waiting room to wait for my monthly appointment with the prego doc. I had planned on waiting until after both appointments to start telling people, but Justin couldn’t hold it in any longer. Out came his phone to call his mom at work. Well, gosh darn it I couldn’t hold it in either so out came my phone to call my dad at work. If you think I wanted a boy it is nothing compared to how much Grandpa Wright wanted a boy. Holy heck was he excited! My dad told me that he was going to call Pa (my grandpa) right away. I told him not to, that I wanted to tell him, but when I hung up the phone I realized that my dad was too excited and I didn’t trust him at all. I HAD to call Pa and Grandma before him! So I quickly called them and told them the news. About five minutes later I got another call from my dad. When I answered he said, “I can’t believe you called your grandparents that fast! I just called them to say that I knew the sex of the baby and then I was going to hang up, but when Grandma answered the phone she just shouted at me ‘We are going to have a grandson!’” haha it was a pretty funny moment.

 We are then taken back into the room to wait for the doctor when my little sister calls my mom. I decided to just answer with the news. Jessica informed me that my dad had text all of my siblings saying that he knew the sex of the baby and they didn’t and hahaha! (My dad is such a brat! Haha) So then I get a text from Cassie the instant I hung up the phone with Jess. So I told her too. Originally I had planned on going to the store after the appointments and buying balloons with ‘It’s a boy!’ on them and then texting that picture to my family to break the news to them. But they didn’t last that long. Oh man, it was funny how excited everyone was. It was almost as fun telling people what I was having as telling them that I was pregnant in the first place. Zach called me on his lunch break and he was ecstatic too. When I told my dad he said he had to go buy some camouflage. When I told my grandparents they said they were headed shopping that  very day now that they knew to buy blue. And when I told Zach he said that he was going to go buy some Bronco’s stuff. Can you say spoiled little boy already?!!

When we were done with the doctors Justin headed to Gossners to tell his dad because he couldn’t get a hold of him on the phone and my mom and I went to get the balloons. I figured that even if I couldn’t send the picture to my siblings, I could still send it to my friends and Facebook. We met at home and took some pictures and then headed to the Blue Bird to celebrate.  On the way to the restaurant I finally got a hold of Grandpa Paulsen and when I told him he just started screaming. He informed me that he was in the car and every time he would pass someone he would scream, "I am having a great grandson!" at them. Oh goodness I have a funny family! It was such a good day and I literally could not peel the smile from my face! IT’S A BOY! IT’S A BOY! IT’S A BOY!!!!!!
Here are the two announcement pictures. I will scan the ultra sound pictures  later since I don’t own a scanner. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Well folks, February has come and gone. I must admit that I have a special place in my heart for February. It's the month that means that the dreadful January is over (hooray!) and it is so short  that by the end of it you don't know where the time went but find yourself all of a sudden one month closer to spring (I think that deserves another HOORAY!). Not to mention it is a month filled with love and yummy sugary sweet treats. So thank you February, it was nice having you around but even nicer to have you over so quickly so that spring can get on its way.

This last month I made two crafts for Valentine's Day. Crafting is something that happens only on occasion for me so two in one month was kind of a big deal. Also, I am very very new and inexperienced at the whole 'domestic crafting' thing so I was pretty happy with the way these turned out.

I had a really good Valentine's Day this year because basically I have some really awesome men in my life. Before I went to work that morning the delivery guy visited me twice. I got roses from my grandpa and chocolate covered strawberries from my dad. They are so incredibly sweet to do this for me every single year as far back as I can remember. 
So yeah- I might have dived right in before I realized that I should probably take a picture haha. They were SOOOO good!
My flowers from Pa
I didn't get home from work until 7:30 that night so Justin and I just went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and thanks to call ahead seating, we didn't even have to wait a full minute before our name was called. For my present this year Justin framed our wedding picture, something that I have been meaning to do for ages, but never got around to doing. It was such a beautiful frame and so thoughtful that yes, I must admit, the gift brought me to tears. But maybe that was just my hormones showing themselves again. Anyway, my husband is the sweetest man alive. Seriously. But being the dummy that I am, I didn't actually take any pictures of us this Valentine's Day. Oops, I am such a slacker.

Another highlight of February was that Justin and I got to get away for the weekend last week. Sunday was my dad's birthday so we decided that we would treat ourselves to a little get away the night before in Layton. (Exciting I know). We stayed at the Best Western there which was honestly one of the nicest hotels I've been in for a while. The room had hard wood floors, something that I had never seen before, but just felt so much cleaner than that nasty hotel carpet ya know? Anywho. That night we checked in the hotel, went swimming (wow that felt super great on my prego muscles!), went out to eat, and then came back and watched a movie in our hotel room. We had planned on joining my parents for church that morning but decided to sleep in and watch another movie instead. (Naughty, I know). When we checked out of the hotel we drove to my parent's house and had a family dinner and then some extended family and some neighbors came over later to have cake and ice cream with us. It was a fun little get a way and completely rejuvenated  my spirits. Sometimes you just need to escape the world and I was definitely getting to that point. If I haven't said it before I'll say it again, pregnancy is hard! And kind of exhausting. And sometimes you just need a break from it.

The last little highlight of February is that Justin finally found a transmission for his 1969 Chevy Nova that he is rebuilding. He found the transmission on KSL. It was in Provo so we decided to kind of make a day trip to go and get it. It was such a beautiful drive full of sunshine. I love sunshine. We got the transmission but were also able to spend some time with my older sister who lives in Provo. I finally got to see her new pad and we went to Red Robin for dinner and ended up talking in the booth for over two hours. I am sure our waitress was sick of us and wanted the table back, but oh well, we had fun. This is a picture of Justin in front of a car that was in the restaurant. He thought it was pretty cool.

And that was our month of February. We are excited that it is now March because on the 27'th we FINALLY get to find out if its a boy or girl! I can't wait! Happy March everyone! 

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...