Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pregnancy Scare

On Tuesday at work I started having really bad cramps, which was kind of worrisome, so I called my doctor and she said that it was a sign that I had been over working myself. Apparently lifting all those heavy books and getting on my hands and knees to reach the bottom shelf multiple times a day has finally caught up to me. My doctor basically said that if I didn't slow down I could be in danger of miscarrying. She told me to go home, put my feet up, and get as much rest as possible, before it got any worse.  She then told me that if the cramps did get worse, or I started to bleed, to go to the emergency room right away so that they could check on the baby. So I kind of took that as I was on the verge of losing my baby.This is about when the panic attack started and the hormones took over my body making me a bawling, emotional, mess of a human being. After an embarrassing emotional display with my super sweet and understanding boss, I left work early and got immediately into bed. I think Tuesday was the first night that I really experienced the power of hormones. I know I have been more emotional than usual, but nothing compared to what was happening to my emotions that night. I literally could not stop crying. It was pathetic how little control I had over myself. My doctor also told me that if the cramps didn't go away by Wednesday morning to come in and see her. Luckily, I woke up Wednesday feeling perfectly fine. However, I stayed in bed the entire day, better be safe than sorry.

You know, you think you kind of have an idea of what you are getting yourself into when you become pregnant. But you have NO bloody idea! It is soooo crazy! First, it is such a miracle to even become pregnant in the first place. How do people not believe in a God, I mean seriously??!!! But then when you finally do become pregnant you have so many emotions running through you. Pure joy and utter excitement. Anticipation. Fear of losing it. Scared straight that something is going to go wrong. Terror that you won't be a good parent. Sickness. Fatigue. On and on and on.  Ah! It is so overwhelming!


kenzis said...

So glad everything is alright. Love you.

Meghan said...

I'm so glad you & baby are doing well now! You make sure to take it easy my dear!!!!

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...