Monday, December 31, 2012

Satisfying Dream

I had the most satisfying dream last night. I dreamed that I went to my high school reunion and was able to tell my peers about my life. While I was telling everyone about my life, I realized that I was leading a successful life. One thing about me is that I hated high school with a fiery passion. For me, high school was three years of pure hell on Earth. There were some really good people to be sure, but mostly I felt like I went  to high school with jealous backbiters who love tearing you down rather than building you up. That may sound really dramatic, but honestly, there were some pretty awful people walking the halls of Davis High. Bottom line, high school was definitely not the best years of my life. So to have this dream where I was back in front of those same people that looked down on me, and was able to lift my head high and be proud of what I have done since last seeing them, well, that felt really good. Yes, I realize that this was a dream. But I woke up feeling so much peace, joy, and even a little pride about the life that I am currently living.

Another thing about me, and this may sound weird to some people, is that I feel like when I am having an especially hard time, sometimes Heavenly Father gives me the comfort I need through a dream. This has happened quite a few times actually. Mostly it has been when I was missing someone so much that it hurt. Like when I was waiting for a missionary or missing my grandma that passed away, Heavenly Father would let me spend the entire night with them through a dream, and somehow I would wake up missing them less. Well, anyway, I feel like this dream was one of those comfort dreams that I needed. Last night I went to bed crying about how miserable I have been. It's such a hard thing not complaining about this "morning" sickness that I have been experiencing. To be sick day after day for months on end is exhausting. Throwing up multiple times a day has left me weak and irritable. I know this pregnancy is such a blessing, not to mention a miracle, but sometimes I have a moment of weakness where I just don't want to feel this sick anymore. And it's hard because I know there are so many woman that would kill to feel this sick if it meant that they got to be a mom. So I KNOW that I have no right whatsoever to complain. But it really is so hard sometimes feeling like crap 24/7 with absolutely no relief. Have you ever been starving and nauseous at the same time? It's not fun! Anyway, yesterday was a particularly hard day of feeling like I was starving yet throwing up everything that touched my lips. By the end of the day I was tired, weak, and feeling a little sorry for myself. I fell asleep with tears still on my face and then this dream comes. And I feel like it was exactly the reminder and the comfort that I needed. Yes, my day to day life has not been the greatest. But my life as a whole is so blessed. I am married to the most amazing, kind, loving, patient man. We just got into this wonderful home. We have an incredibly weird dog that I absolutely love. I am working at my dream job. And now, we have a baby on the way. We are truly blessed and living successful lives. I am so lucky. I just feel this overwhelming sense of peace right now, and I needed it so much after a day like yesterday.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Glad you had some peace in your sleep. Morning sickness that bad sounds awful!

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...