Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wooo- Hooo!!!

I recently have hit an enormous financial stumbling block. It has been weighing on my mind for days. When I think about it all I want to do is hit my head against the wall and cry... which I do. When I get stressed  I develop a stress rash- this latest stress inducer caused my stress rash to explode- it honestly looked like I had the chicken pox. So to sum things up, I was basically freaking a ding dong!


Today, being the procrastinator that I am, filed my taxes. Holy. Freaking. Cow! My tax return is almost enough to pay off my debt that I found my self unexpectedly in. 


Moral of the story: Pay your tithing. You will be blessed. :D

1 comment:

Shilah said...

Yay, for Blessings!!! Yay, for Tax returns!

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