Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A lot of updating to do...

I haven't been good at keeping this thing up to date, so I will try to catch up a little now. I last left off at Thanksgiving, so will start in December. The month of December I worked like a crazy man! The portrait studio was pure insanity the whole month. I don't understand why people seem to think that December is the perfect month for a family photo. Sure you need Christmas cards, but why wait to the last minute people? There are twelve months in the year, why not go when its less busy?? Just a thought. Anyway, the Christmas rush sure kept everyone on their toes. My manager was stressed that whole entire month, and it definitely carried over to the rest of us, and probably to the customers as well. But somehow we got through it alright. While I am talking about work, I will take this moment to say that I had the most uncomfortable sitting in my history of working as a photographer. I had to take pictures of a gay couple.... gross. I had to sit there and take pictures of them kissing and holding hands and hugging each other. I was pretty much throwing up in my mouth the whole time. I may sound closed minded.... and you would probably be right for thinking that. But this blog is not about gay rights, so I am moving on now.

My manager was considerate enough to group our days off together in the week, so when I had a break I went home to Fruit Heights to spend some time with the fam. I don't know what it is about the month of December, but it sure makes me homesick. I went home a lot! Having some of the highest seniority at my job I was one of the lucky ones when it came to working the holidays. I worked the morning shift of Christmas eve and was done by three, and the day after Christmas off (we were closed Christmas day). It was an amazing Christmas! We had the Paulsen party at my house this year. My tiny house was practically bursting at the seems, but it was good to see all the cousins, especially the ones that I haven't seen for a real long time! Christmas morning was pure insanity as well. My parents said they were definitely cutting back this year.... those liars! I was so spoiled! My favorite gifts this year were the wii, guitar hero, tickets to Brian Reagan, my ipod speaker, and my vacuum. And yes, I did in fact ask for a vacuum. If you saw my apartment, then you know why... sick. Speaking of the wii and guitar hero, come over and play with me! Seriously!!!
Jess and I in our matchy matchy pj's

After the opening present extravaganza we went back to bed of course. Brother insisted that Christmas starts at 5 am. We woke up a few hours later, ate breakfast, and drove to my grandparents house in Preston, Idaho. That day we opened even more presents, ate grandma's good cookin' until we were sick, played in the snow, and had a wicked awesome Disney Scene It game with the cousins. That game is so insanely intense! My throat hurt from yelling for like three days after that! ha ha so much fun!!! We got to spend the night there and that is always a riot. I love my Butt cousins!! {Butt is there last name just so ya'll know =D}

Let's see.... other December adventures include Gardener Village with the whole fam, having a brutal snow fight with my brother where we nearly killed one another, going to Preston with my sisters to help Pa and Grandma with their tree and Christmas decorations, making toffee and sugar cookies with my mom, and lots and lots of shopping! December was a GOOD month!!!
Zach and I playing in the snow

Cass and I at Gardener Village

New Years Eve.... ah.... that was....awful. Not gonna lie, one of the worst I have ever had. I had to close at work so didn't get off until about seven. I went home to a completely empty apartment, which I cleaned from top to bottom getting ready for a new roommate to move in. Using the new vacuum was fun though. I think I might have been doing dishes at midnight. I looked up and it was 12:15 so I kind of missed the whole midnight thing. I then thought about how utterly alone I was and cried for the next 15 or 20 minutes, missing him so much it hurt. When the good cry was over, I felt much better. I hurried and got ready for bed because I had to open at work the next morning. Yup, New Years sucked butt. The end.

So January.... what a bummer of a month ya know? I swear EVERYONE has the January blues right now. And everyone is going through some of the hardest trials right now! Of all the months of the year, I am pretty dang sure January is my least favorite. Last week I had surgery on my foot. It was a minor surgery, and one that I have needed for a while... but still.... bummer. I got really nervous before it too. See, doctors always seem to have a really hard time numbing me. At the dentist they have to give me about five shots before I am numb enough. When I had my spinal tap I was not numb at all which pretty much led to the worst hell I have ever been through. So yeah... I was nervous for the numbing part, and I was absolutely right to be. The numbing shots were horrible. Getting five inch needles shoved up the tenderest parts of your foot is not my idea of a picnic if ya know what I mean. The doctor gave me the usual amounts and then started cutting with the scalpel..... holy heck ow! I screamed out in pain, he gave me another shot. Started with the scalpel again, another scream, another shot. He would say every time "I am fairly certain you will be numb now." Um... excuse me.... but can you make absolutely sure that I will be numb? I would highly appreciate it! Duh! So anyway, it took about seven or eight times the shot that an average person would need to get me numb. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing from then on. Boy what a difference it makes when you can't feel the sharp blade slicing your foot open!! Sheesh!
This is my beautiful foot, which I am sure you all wanna see

Well, the tough part is over and thank heavens for that! Recovery time is about two or three weeks depending on how fast I heal. I was on crutches for about a week, but today was the first time I walked, so I am happy to be rid of them! On Saturday I got the best surprise ever!! Kelsey, Daphne, and Lorissa drove down from Logan to see me! It was the sweetest thing any of my friends have ever done and meant the world to me! They brought me High School Musical balloons and cheesecake (boy do they know me or what?!!) We crammed on my bed, each with a fork in hand, pigging out, sharing gossip about old roommates and boys, and laughed so hard we cried. It was the perfect pick me up for my lame pity party I was having! I am so blessed with such amazing friends! I definitely don't deserve them! The Fabulous Balloons from the Fabulous Friends

Well, as you can tell I have the January blues just like everyone else. So here is my attempt at being positive. Some good things about this month are 1. I get a nice long break from work 2. I get to spend time with my family, I'm pretty sure that's a good thing anyway ha ha j/k 3. January means a fresh start, and after last year, I could really use one 4. I got a new roommate, and from what I can tell, we will get along great! 5. (the best for last) January 23 is the one year mark of when he left! That means I survived an entire year without him! I never thought I would be able to! I can now begin to start counting down months instead of years until he comes home and that is just all sorts of happy!

Well, thats all for now. If you yourself are suffering from the January blues just know that I love you and February is just around the corner so hang in there.

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