Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello? Is anybody there? I'M LONELY!

So I moved into Old Farm this week with high expectations.... too high! Now don't get me wrong, the apartment itself is amazing! I have my own room, own bathroom, own closet, and an awesome view....its great!! But its lonely, so so so lonely! I have lived there for four days now and can count the MINUTES spent with my roommates, or anyone else for that matter, on ONE HAND! I have two roommates - Betsy and Chelsey. They both go to work before I do, and come home a lot later too. When they come home they pass my door, poke their head in and say a quick hello, and then go to their rooms to change. Betsy then goes off with her boyfriend and Chelsey goes off with a bunch of her friends. I am alone in the morning before work. I am alone in the afternoon after work. I am alone at night before I go to bed. Basically I am alone all of the freaking time! At first I thought this would be an improvment in the roommate department - the only thing my last roommates did was fight with each other. Ya, that got old fast! But I almost think that not seeing anyone is worse than the fighting....almost. Last summer I had three amazing friends - Jason, Ryan, and Alejandra. We were practically joined at the hip all summer! It was just a given that we would spend EVERY night with one another! Well, Jason is on a mission, Alejandra has graduated, and Ryan and I have completely oppsoite working schedules! What's a girl to do??

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The Divine Calling of Motherhood

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